Disney Trip 2023 FAQs
How will instruments travel? What about large instruments like tuba and percussion? Guitar, bass?
- Carry-on for small instruments, baggage area for larger instruments.
- All instruments should be stored in a hard case.
- Large percussion/drums are supplied by Disney.
Do students need to have an ID with them? What if they aren’t old enough for a driver’s license?
- For students 18 or older, the airport will ask to see ID.
- Any student without a license is required to have their student ID.
- We will confirm these guidelines with our Trip Company in plenty of time before our trip.
What is a day in the life of a chaperone look like?
- Routine head counts, phone tree and frequent chats, regular check-ins including photos of where students are in the park, room check at end of night, taping doors.
- The biggest challenge is ensuring everyone is where they need to be during travel in/out of the airport and for workshops and performances.
- Group debrief meeting each night with review of plans for the next day.
- Chaperones from past trips reported what an awesome experience it was!
How many students to a room?
- Four in general, with one or two having less than four if odd number of students attending.
Do you get to pick your roommates?
- Preferences will be taken into consideration.
- Students are encouraged to choose one shy friend to include in their group.
Are the students guaranteed to have a workshop and performance?
- It is very likely the students will participate in the workshops.
- A performance depends on how many other groups requested slots during the same time frames; it’s very competitive with groups having missed the last couple of years of trips. We are hopeful!
- Our applications are under review at this time; we are hoping to hear back sometime in June.
Will the group be on one plane?
- Yes, that is one of the reasons we chose World Class Vacations (WCV) as our travel company.
Can families make it an extended family vacation beyond the music trip?
- Yes, families have done so in the past. Paperwork needs to be filled out and submitted at least one month in advance. There is no refund for the return flight not used by the student. A specific day/time/place will be arranged for the chaperone to “release” the student to their family. If late, the student travels back with us as we can’t take a chance on missing our fight.
How should payments be made?
- Checks should be made out to Maynard High School, please list student name and Disney 2023 in memo line. Unfortunately, payment by credit card or Venmo cannot be accepted by the school.
How does the optional travel insurance work?
- The travel company (WCV) highly recommends purchasing the optional travel insurance. They will provide a link specific to MHS in August 2022, which we will share with families. Payment for this optional insurance is separate from payments made to the school.